Idaho Senior
Centers | Adult Centers Information (ID) |
Idaho Senior
Centers offer a variety of programs and services to help senior
citizens maintain their independence and vitality and provide
a place for seniors to have the opportunity to meet other
seniors through social interaction.
Programs include activities, educational classes, counseling
and support groups, volunteer opportunities, and wellness
programs. Many senior centers in Idaho also offer meals, help
with financial and medical paperwork, transportation to and
from the center, shopping trips, outings, and other social
Idaho Adult Centers for education and activities for those
50+ are for those more active adults. Adult centers are usually
part of the Parks & Recreation Departments of city and
county. |
Falls Senior Citizens' Community Center
535 West 21st Street
Idaho Falls ID 83402
The Idaho Falls Senior Center is open to area seniors age
60 and above. The center serves hot lunches daily and participates
in the Meals on Wheels program. A wide variety of activities
are offered at the center including art classes, computer
instruction, fitness classes, AARP driver safety classes,
bridge clubs, woodcarving groups, and health checks.
Senior Centers List
Arco Lost Rivers Senior Citizens Center (208) 527-8296 Butte
Blackfoot Senior Citizens Center (208) 785-4714 Bingham
Coeur D Alene Area Agency On Aging North Idaho College (509)
667-3179 Kootenai County
Coeur D'Alene Lake City Senior Center (208) 667-4628 Kootenai
Hayden HAYDEN SENIOR GEMS (208) 762-7052 Kootenai County
Hayden Lake Full Life Agency (208) 762-9835 Kootenai County
Kimberly Ageless Senior Citizens (208) 423-4338 Twin Falls
Kuna Sr Citizens Center Senior Citizens Center (208) 922-9714
Ada County
Lewiston Senior Citizens' Center (208) 983-2033 Nez Perce
Meridian Meridian Senior Citizen's Center (208) 888-2150
Ada County
Meridian Meridian Senior Citizen's Center (208) 888-5555
Ada County
Nampa Senior Citizens Center (208) 467-7266 Canyon County
Pocatello Marsh Valley Senior Citizens Center (208) 897-5351
Bannock County
Pocatello Senior Citizens Center (208) 233-1212 Bannock
Post Falls Tensed Community Senior Citizens (208) 274-2851
Kootenai County
Post Falls Post Falls Senior Center (208) 773-9582 Kootenai
Rupert Minidoka County Senior Service (208) 436-9107 Minidoka
Soda Springs Caribou County Senior Citizens Center (208)
547-3007 Caribou County
Soda Springs Sr Citizens Center Senior Citizens Center (208)
547-3007 Caribou County
Star Star Senior Citizens Center (208) 286-7943 Ada County
Twin Falls Camas County Senior Citizen Center (208) 764-2226
Twin Falls County
Twin Falls Office On Aging (208) 677-4872 Twin Falls County
Twin Falls Adult Protection (208) 736-2122 Twin Falls County
Twin Falls Tasks Unlimited (208) 733-0497 Twin Falls County
Twin Falls Senior Citizen Center (208) 734-5084 Twin Falls
Twin Falls Homestyle Direct (208) 735-0921 Twin Falls County
Twin Falls Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers Inc (208) 733-6333
Twin Falls County
Twin Falls Office On Aging (208) 736-2122 Twin Falls County
Connect to our National database of Senior Centers to see
full descriptions, photos, and contact information for more
Senior Center locations.
Senior Centers are
invited to submit a free listing of their center to this
database located at 55 Community Guide.com, another website
in the Retirement Media Inc. family of sites.
Idaho Senior Center
Activities |
Center Activities
Activities at Idaho Senior
Centers include: Exercise and Fitness programs; Computer
classes; Arts and Crafts; Games; various Educational classes;
Recreational and Social activities; Health Screenings and
services; Special Events and Guest speakers. Senior Centers
also offer Dances and Dance classes, Clubs, Group Travel
opportunities, and much more.
Senior Centers serve a purpose - that is to help keep seniors
active both mentally and physically through a wide range
of activities.
Senior Center Activities SeniorCenterDirectory.com
Programs and Activities Explained |
Meals Idaho
Many Idaho Senior Centers serve
congregate meals such as breakfast and a hot nutritious
lunch free or for a small donation. Senior Centers usually
ask that meal reservations be made one day in advance. To
reserve your congregate meal breakfast or lunch contact
your local senior center.
Seniors age 60 and above are eligible to receive free meals
in a congregate meal setting regardless of income. These
programs contribute greatly to senior nutrition and health;
shown by poll responses given by seniors who participate
in these programs:
63% say they enjoy the meals
61 % say they enjoy socializing and
57% say the meals are inexpensive.
All Cities in Idaho
Acequia, Albion, Algoma, Almo, American Falls, Ammon,
Arbon, Arco, Arimo, Ashton, Athol, Atlanta, Atomic City, Avery,
Baker, Bancroft, Banida, Banks, Barber, Basalt, Basin, Bayview,
Bellevue, Bennington, Berenice, Big Creek, Big Springs, Blackfoot,
Blanchard, Bliss, Bloomington, Boise, Bone, Bonners Ferry,
Bovill, Bowmont, Bridge, Bruneau, Buhl, Buist, Burgdorf, Burke,
Burley, Byrne, Caldwell, Camas, Cambridge, Carey, Careywood,
Carmen, Cascade, Castleford, Cataldo, Challis, Chester, Chesterfield,
Chilly, Chubbuck, Clark Fork, Clayton, Clementsville, Cleveland,
Clifton, Clover, Cobalt, Cocolalla, Coeur DAlene, Colburn,
Conda, Coolin, Copeland, Corral, Cottonwood, Council, Craigmont,
Crouch, Crystal, Culdesac, Cuprum, Daniels, Darlington, Dayton,
Desmet, Dietrich, Dingle, Dixie, Donnelly, Dover, Downey,
Drigg, Drummond, Dubois, Eagle, Eastport, Eden, Edmonds, ID,
Elba, Elk City, Elk River, Ellis, Elmira, Emida, Emmett, Enaville,
Fairfield, Fairview, Featherville, Felt, Fenn, Ferdinand,
Fernwood, Filer, Firth, Fish Haven, Fort Hall, Franklin, Fruitland,
Fruitvale, Gannett, Garden City, Garden Valley, Gardena, Gem,
Genesee, Geneva, Georgetown, Gibbonsville, Gifford, Gilmore,
Glenns Ferry, Glenwood, Gooding, Grace, Grand View, Grangeville,
Grant, Grasmere, Gray, Greer, Grouse, Gwenford, Hagerman,
Hailey, Hamer, Hammett, Hansen, Harpster, Harrison, Hatch,
Hayden, Hazelton, Headquarters, Heglar, Helmer, Henry, Hill
City, Holbrook, Hollister, Homedale, Hope, Horseshoe Bend,
Hot Spring, Humphrey, Huston, Idaho City, Idaho Falls, Idavada,
Idmon, Indian Valley, Inkom, Iona, Irwin, Jerome, Juliaetta,
Kamiah, Kellogg, Kendrick, Ketchum, Kilgore, Kimberly, King
Hill, Kooskia, Kuna, Lake Fork, Lakeview, Lamont, Lapwai,
Lardo, Lava Hot Springs, Leadore, ID, Lemhi, Lenore, Leslie,
Letha, Lewiston, Lewiston Orchards, Lewisville, Lincoln, Lorenzo,
Lowman, Lucile, Lund, Mackay, Malad City, Malta, Marion, Marsing,
May, Mayfield, Mc Cammon, McCall, McCammon, Meadows, Melba,
Menan, Meridian, Mesa, Middleton, Midvale, Minidoka, Mink
Creek, Monteview, Montour, Montpelier, Moore, Moreland, Moscow,
Moulton, Mountain Home, Moyie Springs, Mullan, Murphy, Murray,
Murtaugh, Myrtle, Nampa, Naples, New Meadows, New Plymouth,
Newdale, Nezperce, Niter, Nordman, North Fork, Notus, Nounan,
Oakley, Ola, Old Town, Oldtown, Onaway, Orchard, Oreana, Orofino,
Osburn, Osgood, Ovid, Owyhee, Oxford, Palisades, ID, Paris,
Parker, Parma, Patterson, Paul, Payette, Pearl, Pegram, Picabo,
Pierce, Pine, Pinehurst, Pingree, Placerville, Plummer, Pocatello,
Pollock, Porthill, Post Falls, Potlatch, Prairie, Preston,
Princeton, Rathdrum, Raymond, Red River Hot Springs, Reubens,
Rexburg, Richfield, Riddle, Rigby, Riggins, Ririe, Roberts,
Robin, Rockford, Rockland, Rogerson, Roseworth, Roy, Rupert,
Saint Anthony, Saint Charles, Saint Joe, Saint Maries, Salmon,
Samaria, Sandpoint, Santa, Sharon, Shelley, Shoshone, Shoup,
Silver City, Smiths Ferry, Soda Springs, Spalding, Spencer,
Springdale, Springfield, Stanley, Star, Sterling, Stites,
Stone, Strevell, Sublett, Sugar City, Sun Valley, Sunbeam,
Swan Falls, Swan Valley, Swanlake, Sweet, Tensed, Terreton,
ID, Teton, Tetonia, Thama, Thatcher, Thornton, Three Creek,
Troy, Turner, Tuttle, Twin Falls, Tyhee, Ucon, Victor, Virginia,
Wallace, Warren, Wayan, Weippe, Weiser, Wendell, Weston, White
Bird, Whitney, Wilder, Winchester, Woodruff, Worley, Yellow
Pine Idaho. |