Rhode Island
Senior Centers | Adult Centers Information (RI) |
Island Senior Centers offer
a variety of programs and services to help senior citizens
maintain their independence and vitality and provide a place
for seniors to have the opportunity to meet other seniors
through social interaction.
Programs include activities, educational classes, counseling
and support groups, volunteer opportunities, and wellness
programs. Many Senior Centers in Rhode Island also offer meals,
help with financial and medical paperwork, transportation
to and from the center, shopping trips, outings, and other
social services.
Rhode Island Adult Centers for education and activities for
those 50+ are for those more active adults. Adult centers
are usually part of the Parks & Recreation Departments
of city and county. |
Senior Center
1291 Hartford Ave
Johnston, RI 02919
(401) 944-3343
The Johnston Senior Center offers many activities and programs
for seniors including exercise, day trips, various support
groups, tax preparation, the Meals on Wheels program, and
computer classes. Amenities at the center are a computer
lab with free Wi-Fi, game room, library, banquet room, gift
shop, and craft room.
Senior Center
1210 Putnam Pike
Glocester , RI 02814
(401) 567-4557
Glocester Senior center offers a variety of activities such
as line dancing, square dancing, ballroom dancing, tai chi,
gentle exercise, knitting, hi lo jack,
cribbage, 2 pool tables, treadmills, computer lab, craft
classes just to name a few. Come in an visit have lunch
and socialize you might meet an old friend but you will
definitely make new ones.
Rhode Island Senior Centers List
Barrington Senior Center 281 County Road
02806 247-1926
Benjamin Church Sr. Ctr. 1020 Hope Street 02809 253-8458
Ralph J. Holden Ctr. 361 Cowden Street 02863 727-7425
Charlestown Senior Center Ninigret Park 02813 364-9955
Coventry Senior Center 50 Wood Street 02816 822-9175
Cranston Senior Center 1070 Cranston Street 02920 461-1000
Cumberland Senior Center 1464 Diamond Hill Road 02864 334-2555
East Greenwich Senior Services 125 Main Street 02818 886-8669
East Providence Senior Center 610 Waterman Avenue 02914
Glocester Senior Center, 1210 Putnam Pike, Glocester , RI
Hopkinton Center P.O. Box 314 02804
Jamestown Senior Center 6 West Street 02835 423-2658
Johnston Senior Center 1291 Hartford Avenue 02919 944-3343
Lincoln Senior Center 40 Chapel Street 02865 723-3270
Middletown Senior Center 650 Green End Avenue 02842 849-8823
Narragansett Senior Center 53 Mumford Road 02882 782-0675
Edward King House 35 King Street 02840 846-7426
Florence Gray Senior Center 1 Park Holm 02840 849-7243
Martin Luther King Center 20 West Broadway 02840 846-4828
North Kingstown Senior Center 10 Beach Street 02852 268-1590
Salvatore Mancini Center 2 Atlantic Boulevard 02911 231-0742
Leon Mathieu Senior Center 420 Main Street 02860 728-7582
Portsmouth Senior Center 110 Bristol Ferry Road 02871 683-4106
Capital City Senior Programs 85 Chalkstone Avenue 02908
DaVinci Community Center 470 Charles Street 02904 272-7474
Elmwood Community Center 155 Niagara Street 02907 461-7940
Federal Hill Community Center 9 Courtland Street 02903 421-4722
Fox Point Senior Center 90 Ives Street 02906 751-2217
Hamilton House 276 Angell Street 02906 831-1800
Hartford Park Senior Center 20 Syracuse Street 02909 521-1180
Jewish Community Center 401 Elmgrove Avenue 02906 861-8800
Nickerson House Senior Center 133 Delaine Street 02909 351-2241
Silver Lake Center 529 Plainfield Street 02909 944-8300(Voice/TTY)
St. Martin dePorres Senior Ctr. 160 Cranston Street 02907
Washington Park Center 42 Jillson Street 02905 461-6650
West End Community Center 109 Bucklin Street 02907 781-4242
Westminster Senior Center 133 Mathewson Street 02903 274-6900
Richmond Adult Center 1168 Main Street 02898 539-6144
Scituate Senior Center 1315 Chopmist Hill Road 02857 647-2662
Smithfield Senior Center 1 William J. Hawkins Trail 02828
The Center 25 St. Dominic Road 02879 789-0268
Tiverton Senior Center 207 Canonicus Road 02878 625-6790
Warren Senior Center 20 Libby Lane 02885 247-1930
JONAH Community Center 830 Oakland Beach Avenue 02889 738-2000
Pilgrim Senior Center 27 Pilgrim Parkway 02888 468-4090
West Warwick Senior Center 20 Factory Street 02893 822-4450
Westerly Senior Center 39 State Street 02891 596-2404
Woonsocket Senior Center 84 Social Street 02895 766-3734
Connect to our National database of Senior Centers to see
full descriptions, photos, and contact information for more
Rhode Island Senior Center locations.
Senior Centers are
invited to submit a free listing of their center to this
database located at 55 Community Guide.com, another website
in the Retirement Media Inc. family of sites.
Rhode Island Senior
Center Activities |
Center Activities
Activities at Rhode Island
Senior Centers include: Exercise and Fitness programs; Computer
classes; Arts and Crafts; Games; various Educational classes;
Recreational and Social activities; Health Screenings and
services; Special Events and Guest speakers. Senior Centers
also offer Dances and Dance classes, Clubs, Group Travel
opportunities, and much more.
Senior Centers serve a purpose - that is to help keep seniors
active both mentally and physically through a wide range
of activities.
Senior Center Activities SeniorCenterDirectory.com
Programs and Activities Explained |
Meals Rhode Island
Many Rhode Island Senior Centers
serve congregate meals such as breakfast and a hot nutritious
lunch free or for a small donation. Senior Centers usually
ask that meal reservations be made one day in advance. To
reserve your congregate meal breakfast or lunch contact
your local senior center.
Seniors age 60 and above are eligible to receive free meals
in a congregate meal setting regardless of income. These
programs contribute greatly to senior nutrition and health;
shown by poll responses given by seniors who participate
in these programs:
63% say they enjoy the meals
61 % say they enjoy socializing and
57% say the meals are inexpensive. |
All Cities in Rhode Island
Block Island, Bristol, Carolina, Central Falls, Charlestown,
Clayville, Coventry, Cranston, Cumberland, East Greenwich,
East Providence, Esmond, Exeter, Greenville, Harmony, Harrisville,
Hope Valley, Hopkinton, Johnston, Kenyon, Lincoln, Little
Compton, Middletown, Narragansett, Newport, North Kingstown,
North Providence, North Smithfield, Pascoag, Pawtucket, Peace
Dale, Portsmouth, Providence, Riverside, Rumford, Slatersville,
Slocum, Wakefield, Warren, Warwick, West Greenwich, West Kingston,
West Warwick, Westerly, Wood River Junc, Woonsocket Rhode
Island. |