Groups/Clubs: Walking & Hiking Clubs, Theater
Trips, Dinner Clubs, Book Clubs, Current Events Groups,
Theme Festivals, Chess Clubs, Bird Clubs, Movie Clubs,
Golfers, Writers, Ancestry, Travel, Cruises, Special Interest

Health Screenings:
FREE Screenings for hearing, hearth, blood sugar, blood
pressure testing.

Trips: trips
to attractions in the city, plays, theater, farms, sightseeing.
Also travel trips to vacation spots, some even out of
the country.

Dancing is a big activity in many senior centers, from
ball room dancing to line dancing. Waltz, Cha Cha, you
name it. The Zumba Gold was created for the older active
adult and combines Latin and international music with
a safe and effective workout for the hottest fitness party
in town!

Games: Pretty
much offered every day in many senior centers includes
board games, cards, scrabble, pool is big, table games,
ping pong, shuffleboard, bridge. The above seniors are
playing Canasta, a card game at Park Place Adult Center
in Johns Creek GA.

Yoga, walking, stretching, exercise, Tai Chi, swimming,
bowling. Some Senior Centers have parks and walking trails
on the grounds or nearby. Also see groups above.

Congregate Meals:
Many Senior Centers provide congregate meals and also
sponsor the Meals on Wheels program.

This important activity takes places while doing all of
the above but also at parties, meals, sitting in conversation
in the public areas. Holiday and theme parties are common.
Special events and holiday celebrations. Discussion between
seniors and with the staff all provide interesting conversations
sharing backgrounds and life experiences.
Senior Games Association - Many senior centers
participate in the National Senior Games and compete locally
with a chance to go on to compete in the State Games and
then to the National Games. Some senior centers in an
area or city have their own senior games such as where
I live they have the North Fulton Golden Games. There
is competion in track and field, Bocce, bowling, golf,
ball room dancing, swimming, and much more. Afterwards
there is an award cermony. These type senior games
Performances: Song, theater, cultural, music,
band and dance performances by outside groups or performers.
Wellness Seminars: everything from managing
arthritis, preventing low back pain, nutrition to causes
of balance problems and fall prevention. Many more - these
are just examples. Wellness seminars are a favorite at
many senior centers and can help improve your quality
of life.