Services |
on Wheels
This article has information about the Meals on Wheels program
and services. Learn what its purpose is, what service it offers,
and about the many benefits it provides for Seniors' nutritional
and overall health...Read
More |
Center Visit
A Senior tells of her experience visiting a Senior Center
and shares with others how beneficial these centers are
to the Seniors citizens they serve and the positive impact
they have on our communities... Read
More |
Adult Learning Center
Learning will keep our minds active, alert and engaged as
we age. Here is list of adult learning opportunities that
are available... Life
Long Learning |
Meals at Senior Centers
This article has information on the benefits of
the Congregate Meals program which is offered at most Senior
Meals |
Senior Friends Online
This article has information on the benefits of the
Congregate Meals program which is offered at most Senior Centers...Senior
Friends |
Care for the Elderly
Learn about how the various services offered at
Senior Centers can assist Seniors who choose to age in place,
but may need some home care help...Home
Care |
Services Help with Aging in Place
This article discusses the vital role that Senior
Centers play in allowing Seniors who choose to age in place
the opportunity to remain active and involved in their communities...Aging
in Place |
Importance of Social Interaction as You Age
Learn about the numerous benefits of remaining
socially active as you age and how Senior Centers provide
social resources for Seniors...Read
More |
Opportunities for Seniors at Senior Centers
Seniors who volunteer at Senior Centers gain an
increased sense of purpose among many other positive aspects
they benefit from by volunteering their time...Volunteering |
Good Reasons For A Boomer To Get Involved At A Senior Center
So I did a little research on senior centers and discovered
a good deal more about them, their programs and activities.
There seems to be many good reasons to visit and participate
in the community senior center. Maybe you can relate with
me as I list some of the benefits that I might expect in
my own life as I use my senior center... What
Senior Centers Offer |
My First Visit
to A Senior Center
I wanted to visit a senior center to see what they were
about. My neighbor’s 75 year old mother Janet is an
active participant in the ballroom dancing program at West
Cobb Senior Center so I decided that would be a good center
to visit... Senior
Center |

Senior Centers
The first Senior Center in the country opened in 1943 in the
Bronx, New York and was called the William Hodson Community
Center . By 1961 about 218 senior centers had opened all across
the country...Read
More |
for Your Elder Years
If we were to ask an older person what his or her most important
concerns for aging are, we would probably get a variety of
different answers. According to surveys ...Read
More |
Mom and Dad Safe at Home
Generally, elderly parents want to remain living in their
own home. However, remaining in the home becomes a concern
when children see their parents slowing down...Read
More |
Yourself and Family By Fighting Fraud Against Senior Citizens
This article provides tips on how you can protect
you and your family from fraud. Senior Citizens especially
should be aware of fraud schemes for the following reasons...Read
More |
Resource Site
SeniorNet is the nation’s most respected nonprofit organization
that specializes in computer and Internet education for older
adults. Since 1986, SeniorNet has empowered over one million
Boomers and Seniors providing encouragement, lifelong learning
opportunities and new worlds to explore via the Internet...Read
More |