Time Jobs for Seniors
Part time
jobs are always plentiful, part time jobs often do not
require benefits and are easier to get than a full time
job. With free time and no demands for high wages, you
can get a great part time job that offers a flexible schedule
and some supplemental pay. Grocery stores, museums, post
offices, libraries and banks are all great places to look
for some nice part time work. These jobs have great hours
and are a nice way to get some extra money and interact
with your community.
Use the Internet to Make Money
In addition,
there are plenty of ways for seniors to make money online.
Perhaps one of the most enjoyable of these is taking online
surveys. Your opinion is wanted by many companies and
certain online survey companies will compensate you with
a cash reward. Make sure to seek out reputable survey
companies like Pinecone, Greenfield, Opinion Outpost and
Survey Savvy. One of the newest ways to make money online,
micro jobs also offer seniors a great way to share their
talents with the world at large and have some easy supplemental
income. Sites like Fiverr allow you to provide services
for clients who are willing to pay you for some quick
work. Whether your talent is writing or providing companionship,
it may be worthwhile to check out Fiverr.
In order
to get a part time job, make sure you are flexible with
your schedule, a lot of companies will ask for weekend
or night hours. Be sure to attend your interview with
a lot of energy and stress the fact that you take pride
in your work, something that most teenage applicants do
not. Remember, companies are looking for a reliable, honest
employee and will jump at the chance to have one on board.
To find local jobs near you, try looking in your local
newspaper or check out job posting websites like Craigslist,
Simply Hired or Monster.
Senior Job Resources
Web Sites for Retirment Jobs
Also many
of the state's Department for the Aging's Senior Employment
Services (SES) assists residents 55 years of age and older
who are seeking work opportunities.